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September 2019

Can a Spiritual Worker assist you in Spiritual Advancement?

  I have noticed some debates in the metaphysical community surrounding the abilities of Spiritual Workers to help others develop their intuition or advance on their spiritual path. I would like to take some time here make some clarifications on the topic. 

Cleansing Unwanted Energy

  Many people contact me with depressed conditions in which they are concerned that they may be cursed with negative magick. The first thing that I tell people is, to be honest with themselves and try to objectively assess if they are in any way contributing to the negativity of their own situation. We are only human, and we are certainly prone to negative thought patterns when in situations which are not in our control or are unfavorable. It's important to do some serious self-assessing in these situations.

The Golden Ball & The Third Eye

As promised, here is part 2 of Developing Your Spiritual Tools - Beyond the Basics

Here are three more, very short exercises. These can be performed solo or in combination with any of the other exercises I have provided.

Protection Work / Energy Shield: 

Developing Your Spiritual Tools - Beyond the Basics

I have put together some simple exercises to help you hone in on, and strengthen your gifts! Many people know that they have spiritual or psychic abilities or tendencies, but do not know where to begin with strengthening or controlling them. Here are some practices to assist with development. 

Once you have a regular practice involving work such as this you will begin to have insights and further developments on your own. This is especially true if you pay attention to the insights you have when you practice. 

"Get Away" Working and Hot Foot Jar

I've had some requests to provide information about my personal "Get Away" Working. So here it is! I've had phenomenal results with this Service. 

This is to be used when someone is extremely disruptive or disrespectful to your home when you have a bad roommate who needs to leave when a family member or neighbor is meddling in your life. This is not to be used lightly. It is a form of defensive magick and should be used with care and respect in serious situations when your life is being affected negatively. 

On Spiritual Work and Dedication

There is a reason that what I do is called Spiritual Work, and that is because I work with Spiritual Forces and Guides. This is more than a practice, it is a lifestyle which requires dedication. 

When seeking a goal, it is not sufficient to simply ask once and then expect your world to be transformed. It is not sufficient to simply put on oil, or light a candle and walk away, or put on the charm and go about your business. Spiritual dedication and magical practice must accompany these actions. The relationship and practice must be present. 

Autumn: The Season of Transformation

In Autumn we are nearer to the World Beyond the veil and to our ancestors and Spirit Guides, especially as we approach Samhain / Halloween, All Soul's Day / All Saint's Day and Day of the Dead.

While it is a good time to seek guidance from without, it is also the perfect time to seek the transformation of one's own accord and from within. This is the season of change, as the season itself illustrates to us with nature as our example. As we all know, change is inevitable. This is why it is in our best interest to take control of our changes and use them to our advantage. 

After the Cast, what Next?

Hey Folks! 

Recently I've had the question come up: "What do I do after I perform my ritual, cast my spell, or do my Spiritual Service?"

Many of you probably know the old adage that you should forget about the Working and speak of it to no-one. While I do respect tradition and believe that each person should do what works best for them, these are not traditions that I see as necessary. 

Happy Friday the 13th! (The Myth, Legend and Folklore)

Don't be fooled, the number 13 has always been a luck number for Witches and those with metaphysical inclinations. I myself was born on a Friday the 13th and have always considered it very lucky indeed!

Did you know that in Spanish speaking cultures and in Greece it is Tuesday the 13th that is unlucky instead of Friday? Also, in Italian pop-culture, it is Friday the 17th that is traditionally considered bad luck, although many young Italians have now been influenced by American culture and believe that Friday the 13th is also unlucky.

Draw Back Love - Reconciliation Tricks

Many of you have asked me what you can do on your own to draw back your Love. This is for instances when reconciliation is needed and desired. Whether you are Working in conjunction with me, or simply working magick on your own, these tips and tricks are tried and true! 

Here are some simple tricks, outside of candle magick, which you can accomplish easily in the comfort of your own home with readily available, everyday ingredients. These Works are written by me and based upon old recipes for folk magick. 

Sweet Sugar Magick